Coordinating Conjunctions (and/nor/but/or/so) Exercises - Test 1

Completion count: 9,248

  • 1. I asked you to come and see me.
  • 2. What you suffer from is nothing more nor less than sheer ignorance.
  • 3. He helped himself to another drink, his hand shaking so that he could hardly hold the decanter.
  • 4. They entered the room closed the door behind them.
  • 5. this was not to be the end.
  • 6. His legs were trembling that he could hardly sit his horse.
  • 7. He came to me laid his hand on my shoulder.
  • 8. It moved after a moment two.
  • 9. It really means nothing more less than the sweet expression sometimes observed in the eyes of a sorrowful animal.
  • 10. There was nothing for it to go.
  • 11. He went round to the door opened it.
  • 12. Then he came to her took her hand.
  • 13. The others turned looked at him.
  • 14. She waited for an answer, none came.
  • 15. He went to her laid his hand on her shoulder.
  • 16. it was that the dog often used to get off by himself for a joyous race through the woods, where the dried leaves made such a jolly, rattling sound.
  • 17. She put it off looked at it.
  • 18. She got out of bed went to the window.
  • 19. Then there was nothing to do wait.
  • 20. it was that the French war department turned over to the Americans this artillery training ground which had been long vacant.

Online Coordinating Conjunctions (and nor but or so) Exercises - Quizzes with Answers

2031 online multiple-choice and fill-in-the-blank coordinating conjunctions exercises across 101 tests provide a wide range of sentences to help you grasp the context and usage/formation of the coordinating conjunctions (and/nor/but/or/so). Prepare for exams, practice coordinating conjunctions (and/nor/but/or/so) online and verify your answers immediately. Expand your English grammar proficiency with interactive coordinating conjunctions (and nor but or so) activities. Suitable for kids, adults, ESL learners at the beginner, elementary, and intermediate levels.