Possessive Pronouns Exercises - Test 1

Completion count: 6,060

  • 1. The girl raised hers high in the air.
  • 2. The summer, in its way, is there as pleasant as the winter in its.
  • 3. Jane's terrified eyes met theirs.
  • 4. They go their way, and we go .
  • 5. It was a pity you found .
  • 6. You are by your own lips.
  • 7. My income having hitherto not been sufficient to enable me to visit its hospitable shores, I hail this opportunity with pleasure of discussing questions that are of importance to us all with one of , no doubt, most distinguished daughters.
  • 8. Then he felt her hand upon .
  • 9. is always the hard and dirty work.
  • 10. He held out his hand and took .
  • 11. He's a friend of .
  • 12. Our satisfaction was no less keen than .
  • 13. The child raised his eyes to .
  • 14. is a prudence to be neglected.
  • 15. You are my love and I am .
  • 16. My hands were not tied like .
  • 17. I am sure I don't know .
  • 18. Then she raised her eyes to .
  • 19. Thus Abbotsford grew, of which all the critics have talked as if , alas!
  • 20. There is not another such home in Paris as .

Online Possessive Pronouns Exercises - Quizzes with Answers

2083 online multiple-choice and fill-in-the-blank possessive pronouns exercises across 101 tests provide a wide range of sentences to help you grasp the context and usage/formation of the possessive pronouns. Prepare for exams, practice possessive pronouns online and verify your answers immediately. Expand your English grammar proficiency with interactive possessive pronouns activities. Suitable for kids, adults, ESL learners at the beginner, elementary, and intermediate levels.