Defining and Non Defining Relative Clauses (which/where/whose/who/whom) Exercises - Test 1

Completion count: 5,210

  • 1. As this old wretch, either from the feebleness of age or from the infirmity I have mentioned, had great difficulty in walking, he had brought with him a small boy, whose business it was to direct his tottering steps as best he could.
  • 2. He shook me by the hand, in a manner which expressed everything.
  • 3. There was once a man who had a dog.
  • 4. Those in authority on the Nile knew how to choose soldiers duty it was to exercise pitiless severity against the defenceless.
  • 5. Presently they came along a narrow path led to the house.
  • 6. This time she did not take him to a splendid palace, but to a deep cave in a rock, there were chains hanging from the wall.
  • 7. A man does not think for himself does not think at all.
  • 8. He had pleased her and she had received him kindly because he was related to the man she had loved from childhood.
  • 9. Why this lack of penetration as to their personal affairs in men business it is to penetrate all things?
  • 10. A number of eunuchs stood behind them, duty it was to see that they did not raise their eyes towards the men.
  • 11. It is I am asking you.
  • 12. He was walking the world, there were people, many people.
  • 13. It's you 'll be had.
  • 14. It was he had stolen the papers.
  • 15. As he was raising himself again, James' eyes bent on him a look seemed to come from the very depths of what was left within.
  • 16. And it gave him a sort of grim pleasure to hear the sigh seemed to come from the bottom of her heart.
  • 17. Then he pushed the curtain aside, and the woman he had just noticed greeted him with a low cry.
  • 18. It was he had killed them.
  • 19. You talk about everything as if you knew more about it than the people business it is to know all about it.
  • 20. Not far from the cat one is sure to find Carlo-the bird-like, bright-faced, close-cropped Venetian urchin, duty it is to trot backwards and forwards between the cellar and the dining-tables.

Online Mixed Defining and Non Defining Relative Clauses (which where whose who whom) Exercises - Quizzes with Answers

1686 online multiple-choice and fill-in-the-blank relative clauses exercises across 84 tests provide a wide range of sentences to help you grasp the context and usage/formation of the defining and non defining relative clauses (which/where/whose/who/whom). Prepare for exams, practice defining and non defining relative clauses (which/where/whose/who/whom) online and verify your answers immediately. Expand your English grammar proficiency with interactive mixed defining and non defining relative clauses (which where whose who whom) activities. Suitable for kids, adults, ESL learners at the beginner, elementary, and intermediate levels.