There Was vs There Were Negative Form Exercises - Test 1

Completion count: 3,839

  • 1. There weren't nearly so many ships as I expected.
  • 2. But never did the time come when there weren't other things to do.
  • 3. There wasn't anything else to do.
  • 4. There many girls in the factory like Rosie.
  • 5. As to lodgings, if there houses enough, the cellars might make up the deficiency.
  • 6. But there any pleasure in it.
  • 7. There many people going through this street.
  • 8. There much left of the soldier.
  • 9. Many listened to him and followed his advice; but there a few careless ones who went over to join the party of the governor and the priests.
  • 10. But there much game.
  • 11. There ever no one like her.
  • 12. But there any other door.
  • 13. There more than a hundred and fifty girls present.
  • 14. There flowers any more.
  • 15. He soon spied the three hens strutting proudly about, though they were really anxiously wondering if there some grains lying on the ground that they might be glad to eat.
  • 16. There much use in thinking.
  • 17. As if there several millions in the United Kingdom!
  • 18. There no spots on my father.
  • 19. There a word of truth in it.
  • 20. And there any other children near for him to play with, so he used to play happily all by himself.

Online There Wasn't or There Weren't Exercises - Quizzes with Answers

841 online multiple-choice and fill-in-the-blank there was there were negative exercises across 42 tests provide a wide range of sentences to help you grasp the context and usage/formation of the there was vs there were negative form. Prepare for exams, practice there was vs there were negative form online and verify your answers immediately. Expand your English grammar proficiency with interactive there wasn't or there weren't activities. Suitable for kids, adults, ESL learners at the beginner, elementary, and intermediate levels.